Tri-color Glass Sand Mix in Brooklyn, NY

Josh Simpson, Ruby Lake Glass’s VP of Sales, recently caught our “Plaza Mix” in the wild. Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, is a showcase for the tri-color glass sand mix that we custom created for New York City’s DOT when they challenged Ruby Lake Glass to mimic a natural quarried aggregate they’d mined for decades. Needless to say, Josh asked his Uber driver to stop a moment to admire the beautifully rendered pedestrian and cyclist safety zones of the plaza. You may have admired them too if you have attended the farmer's market on Saturdays.

The Uber driver learned about the integral part we play in the creation of all the safety zones across the city and her boroughs, not to mention the world. He also learned that mined and dredged sands are one of earth’s most precious finite resources, and prohibitively costly and labor intensive. That is why NYC looked to Ruby Lake Glass for help.

With our mission to protect the planet from sand degradation, we are the best resource for sustainable sand production using recycled glass. To do this, we employ a glass to sand mining system designed and built by Andela Products, NY.

So, if you’re in the NYC area and your Uber driver seems to know way too much about Ruby Lake Glass tri-color sand and our partnership with NYC, you can thank Josh Simpson of Ruby Lake Glass.